How to incorporate escrow of your keys and passwords into your estate plan

My latest Guardian column, "When I'm dead, how will my loved ones break my password?" describes the process my wife and I went through when we drew up our wills and realized that our encrypted hard-drives and our network passwords would go with us if we died or were incapacitated, and how important it was for us to have a secure, long-term solution for decrypting our data if we croak. — Read the rest

Bozeman, Montana changes its mind about job applicants' social networking passwords

The town of Bozeman, Montana has rescinded its policy requiring job applicants to submit their logins and passwords for all social network sites, email accounts, etc, as part of its background check process.

The city announced in a meeting (PDF) on Monday that it had suspended the practice as of Friday, June 19 and that it would update its hiring procedures within 30 days to determine a more appropriate level of screening for employees…

It's clear now, however, that the city has gotten a major whiff of its own bad PR and has decided to back off.

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Top 500 worst passwords


From Mark Burnett's 2005 book Perfect Passwords: Selection, Protection, Authentication, a table of the "Top 500 Worst Passwords Of All Time." (via Beschizza's Twitter)

UPDATE: As the site is down, here's the whole shebang:

NO Top 1-100 Top 101–200 Top 201–300 Top 301–400 Top 401–500
1 123456 porsche firebird prince rosebud
2 password guitar butter beach jaguar
3 12345678 chelsea united amateur great
4 1234 black turtle 7777777 cool
5 pussy diamond steelers muffin cooper
6 12345 nascar tiffany redsox 1313
7 dragon jackson zxcvbn star scorpio
8 qwerty cameron tomcat testing mountain
9 696969 654321 golf shannon madison
10 mustang computer bond007 murphy 987654
11 letmein amanda bear frank brazil
12 baseball wizard tiger hannah lauren
13 master xxxxxxxx doctor dave japan
14 michael money gateway eagle1 naked
15 football phoenix gators 11111 squirt
16 shadow mickey angel mother stars
17 monkey bailey junior nathan apple
18 abc123 knight thx1138 raiders alexis
19 pass iceman porno steve aaaa
20 fuckme tigers badboy forever bonnie
21 6969 purple debbie angela peaches
22 jordan andrea spider viper jasmine
23 harley horny melissa ou812 kevin
24 ranger dakota booger jake matt
25 iwantu aaaaaa 1212 lovers qwertyui
26 jennifer player flyers suckit danielle
27 hunter sunshine fish gregory beaver
28 fuck morgan porn buddy 4321
29 2000 starwars matrix whatever 4128
30 test boomer teens young runner
31 batman cowboys scooby nicholas swimming
32 trustno1 edward jason lucky dolphin
33 thomas charles walter helpme gordon
34 tigger girls cumshot jackie casper
35 robert booboo boston monica stupid
36 access coffee braves midnight shit
37 love xxxxxx yankee college saturn
38 buster bulldog lover baby gemini
39 1234567 ncc1701 barney cunt apples
40 soccer rabbit victor brian august
41 hockey peanut tucker mark 3333
42 killer john princess startrek canada
43 george johnny mercedes sierra blazer
44 sexy gandalf 5150 leather cumming
45 andrew spanky doggie 232323 hunting
46 charlie winter zzzzzz 4444 kitty
47 superman brandy gunner beavis rainbow
48 asshole compaq horney bigcock 112233
49 fuckyou carlos bubba happy arthur
50 dallas tennis 2112 sophie cream
51 jessica james fred ladies calvin
52 panties mike johnson naughty shaved
53 pepper brandon xxxxx giants surfer
54 1111 fender tits booty samson
55 austin anthony member blonde kelly
56 william blowme boobs fucked paul
57 daniel ferrari donald golden mine
58 golfer cookie bigdaddy 0 king
59 summer chicken bronco fire racing
60 heather maverick penis sandra 5555
61 hammer chicago voyager pookie eagle
62 yankees joseph rangers packers hentai
63 joshua diablo birdie einstein newyork
64 maggie sexsex trouble dolphins little
65 biteme hardcore white 0 redwings
66 enter 666666 topgun chevy smith
67 ashley willie bigtits winston sticky
68 thunder welcome bitches warrior cocacola
69 cowboy chris green sammy animal
70 silver panther super slut broncos
71 richard yamaha qazwsx 8675309 private
72 fucker justin magic zxcvbnm skippy
73 orange banana lakers nipples marvin
74 merlin driver rachel power blondes
75 michelle marine slayer victoria enjoy
76 corvette angels scott asdfgh girl
77 bigdog fishing 2222 vagina apollo
78 cheese david asdf toyota parker
79 matthew maddog video travis qwert
80 121212 hooters london hotdog time
81 patrick wilson 7777 paris sydney
82 martin butthead marlboro rock women
83 freedom dennis srinivas xxxx voodoo
84 ginger fucking internet extreme magnum
85 blowjob captain action redskins juice
86 nicole bigdick carter erotic abgrtyu
87 sparky chester jasper dirty 777777
88 yellow smokey monster ford dreams
89 camaro xavier teresa freddy maxwell
90 secret steven jeremy arsenal music
91 dick viking 11111111 access14 rush2112
92 falcon snoopy bill wolf russia
93 taylor blue crystal nipple scorpion
94 111111 eagles peter iloveyou rebecca
95 131313 winner pussies alex tester
96 123123 samantha cock florida mistress
97 bitch house beer eric phantom
98 hello miller rocket legend billy
99 scooter flower theman movie 6666
100 please jack oliver success albert

Passwords suck

Google cryptographer and all-round security expert Ben Laurie's been blogging some great security thinking lately. Today he's got a really fascinating, thoughtful piece about the problems of passwords:

So, where does this leave us? Users must have passwords, so why fight it?

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Report: security glitch exposes Mac OS X passwords

Declan McCullagh reports at that….

Apple has confirmed a security glitch that, in many situations, will let someone with physical access to a Macintosh computer gain access to the password of the active user account.

The vulnerability arises out of a programming error that stores the account password in the computer's memory long after it's needed, meaning it can be retrieved and used to log into the computer and impersonate the user.

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Kids happy to lose MySpace passwords and start over

Danah boyd, the sharpest researcher on social networking services around, posts a great nugget from her field work. Many kids don't worry about losing their passwords for their MySpace and similar service accounts, and happily create a new profile. It gives them a chance to discard all the "Friends they don't know" in their buddy-lists and start over. — Read the rest

MySpace users have stronger passwords than corporate users

Bruce Schneier analyzes the data from a successful phishing attack on MySpace and compares the captured user-passwords to an earlier data-set from a corporation and concludes that MySpace users are better at coming up with good passwords than corporate drones. The article is a great state-of-the-password address, with lots of fun nuggets like "We used to quip that 'password' is the most common password. — Read the rest

Report: some Napster users share passwords to save money

An article in the Register today reports that it is possible for more than one person to share a username/password simultaneously on Napster's digital music service, so they don't have to pay for separate accounts.

Over the past couple of days MusicAlly has run several tests, during which we were able to download and stream simultaneously from four separate computers across two separate Internet connections for good stretches of time.

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Will trade passwords for chocolate

According to this Security Pipeline article, nearly three quarters of office workers in an impromptu man-on-the-street survey were willing to give up their passwords when offered the bribe of a chocolate bar. Heh. Heaven only knows what they'd fork over for venti latte with extra foam. — Read the rest

Save an extra 20% on this must-have VPN, now under $32!

VPN for streaming

TL;DR: Stay protected online without compromising on download speeds with FastestVPN. Get an extra 20% off a lifetime subscription through April 7, only $31.99 with code SECURE20!

Shopping for clothes and paying your bills online sure makes life easier, but it often leaves you susceptible to dangerous digital forces looking to steal your personal data (more like your cat videos!), — Read the rest

Utah Supreme Court upholds right to withhold phone passcodes from cops


The US Constitution's Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination isn't just for Donald Trump and his unpleasant ilk; it also covers ordinary people who refuse to surrender their passwords to inquisitive law enforcement officers. Today, the Supreme Court of Utah unanimously ruled that people are within their rights to refuse to disclose their phone passwords to law enforcement. — Read the rest

Stay safe online with this VPN before its low price tag disappears

TL;DR: Keep your private data and search history away from prying eyes with a lifetime subscription to FastestVPN PRO and an entire year of password management for the deeply discounted price of just $39.99 before it becomes unavailable next year.

From answering work emails and building resumes to booking plane tickets and shopping for that upcoming holiday party, what don't you do online these days? — Read the rest