Forest: altered engraving from steampunk collageist Dan Hillier

Walking today in Upmarket in Brick Lane, London, I was delighted to stop in at Dan Hiller's stall and discover a whole range of new "alterted engravings," including this smashing collage called Forest.


Die Antwoord $O$ album cover revealed

Die Antwoord - $O$

Many Boing Boing readers are familiar with the South African rap rave revolution known as Die Antwoord. A series of posts here earlier this year helped catapult them from relative obscurity to center stage, bright blinding lights and all. Xeni blogged about them after her friend, photographer Clayton Cubitt, was hipped to them by a pal of his who assisted on a Capetown video shoot which resulted in this. — Read the rest

Return of At the Movies


The amazing Roger Ebert is reviving At the Movies.

"This is the rebirth of a dream," said Ebert, who partnered in recent years with Richard Roeper before cancer robbed him of the ability to speak. He said he will act as co-producer and employ a computer voice to appear on every episode with segments titled Roger's Office devoted to classic, overlooked and new films.

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The American West: 1890, 1970, 1999


I've come to accept that the closest I will ever get to time travel is matching up modern photos to historic shots of the same place. Usually, that means extensive time travel is restricted to cities, places where lots of people were taking lots of photographs at lots of different points over the years. — Read the rest