Inside a stolen credit-card site

Brian Krebs brings us a fascinating look at the inner workings of a site that sells stolen credit card numbers to fraudsters; the site is structured like a bizarro-world PayPal, with soft come-ons, hidden fees, and lots of upsell pressure.

The trouble is, the minute you seek to narrow your search using the built-in tools, the site starts adding all these extra convenience fees (sound familiar?).

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Anthropology of Hackers, a syllabus

Writing in the Atlantic, my friend Biella Coleman, an assistant professor at NYU, describes the syllabus for her wonderful Anthropology of Hackers class. I met Biella when she was doing her fieldwork, part of which involved volunteering at and interviewing the staff and supporters of the Electronic Frontier Foundation. — Read the rest

The .DOC File of J Alfred Prufrock

Anonymous Lurker Nobody sez, "The interminable Sam Starbuck, who writes incredible fiction of both the fan- & original- variety, has written what is both a beautiful homage and hilarious send up of T.S. Eliot's The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock. — Read the rest

MPAA: ACTA's censoring firewalls will help governments avoid Wikileaks embarrassments

The MPAA has updated one of its more ridiculous pro-censorship arguments; five years ago, they were telling lawmakers that blocking P2P would help block child pornography. Now they've presented at an information meeting in Mexico on ACTA, the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a secret, far-reaching copyright treaty that contains provisions for China-style censoring firewalls for every country. — Read the rest

How ICP is like XKCD

Like you all, I got a good chuckle out of the Insane Clown Posse's "Do You Believe in Miracles" video. And, like many of you, I interpreted it as fundamentally anti-science. Which, to be fair, wasn't so much interpretation as a literal reading of lines like, "Fucking magnets, how do they work?/ — Read the rest

Clint Eastwood wants Joaquin Phoenix to play J. Edgar Hoover's lover

Clint Eastwood wants to cast Joaquin Phoenix as J. Edgar Hoover's boyfriend, Clyde Tolson, in the upcoming movie Hoover. I don't really see the resemblance, but I'm sure with a bit of makeup and hairstyling it would work.

201009211657With a script by Milk screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, Hoover explores the two men's complicated relationship; neither man ever admitted to being gay, and Hoover was known for hunting down and intimidating those who dared questioned his sexual preference while he was alive.

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Folk art erotica in Copenhagen snuff can

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During my lifetime, I've consumed about 500 cans of Copenhagen Snuff. Man, did I ever love the stuff. But I quit many years ago. Even so, I still dream about Copenhagen frequently. This piece of folk art erotica from the 1940s (which sold for $25 at auction) seems like something that would work its way into one of my dreams. — Read the rest

Swap For Good: clothing swaps for charity

BB pal Orli Cotel, who by day works with Sierra Club on their radio show and other outreach, and Brianna Cayo Cotte launched a new non-profit called Swap For Good! Congrats! She says:

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Swap for Good is a new non-profit project to encourage people to host clothing swaps as a way to help raise money for domestic violence shelters.

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Body art around the world

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For two decades, Chris Rainier has traveled around the world photographing body art — from tattoos to piercings to scarification — in a variety of cultural contexts. He's visited LA gangs, hill tribes in New Guinea, the Mentawa of the Indonesian island of Siberut, and countless other locales to understand how and why they modify their flesh, and document the processes and results. — Read the rest

Moebius comic strip by Jim Woodring

Jim Woodring has created the infinite HAR in the form of a Moebius comic strip whose joke wraps back upon itself in a fractionally dimensional feat of comedy. Click through for animation and video.

Moebius strip comic by Jim Woodring (video, photo, animation)

(via Make)

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