politics Researchers say Voatz voting app has big security flaws, 4 states using it for 2020 elections anyway Xeni Jardin
politics In leaked audio, Michael Bloomberg defends racial profiling: "throw them up against the wall" Rob Beschizza
politics Google spent ~$150 million on US lobbying over last decade, followed by Facebook at ~$81M, Amazon almost $80M: Federal filings Xeni Jardin
elections Bernie Sanders is the most popular candidate among young people, who could determine the outcome of the 2020 election Cory Doctorow
politics Bernie Sanders leads Iowa Poll for the first time, just weeks before Iowa Caucus Xeni Jardin
happy mutants Michael Moore just launched a new podcast and it's great, full of hope and anger Cory Doctorow
elections A vast network of shadowy news sites promote conservative talking points mixed with floods of algorithmically generated "news" Cory Doctorow
corruption Citing the Panama Papers, Elizabeth Warren proposes sweeping anti-financial-secrecy rules Cory Doctorow
elections Pete Buttigieg's prizewinning high-school essay praising Bernie Sanders: "the power to win back the faith of a voting public weary and wary of political opportunism" Cory Doctorow
elections One upside of the Bernie Blackout: Sanders is not facing a frontrunner's backlash Cory Doctorow
elections This Thanksgiving, don't have a political argument, have a "structured organizing conversation" Cory Doctorow
elections Bloomberg's $34m presidential campaign ad-buy is 1.1% of the taxes Bernie, Warren and Steyer want him to pay Cory Doctorow
elections Mayor Pete: Obama should have left Chelsea Manning to rot in prison for 35 years Cory Doctorow
politics Joe Biden campaign emails a post-debate 'did I make you proud?'… hours before start time Xeni Jardin
elections When Republicans say "How will you pay for Medicare for All?" Democrats should answer: "Mexico will pay for it" Cory Doctorow
books Crowdfunding to help science fiction great Mike Resnick pay off the medical bills from a near-death experience Cory Doctorow