videos Woman who accused Roy Moore is homeless after her house burned down, fire investigated as arson Cory Doctorow
gop Protesters flood the Senate, calling for a delay in voting on the GOP tax plan until new Alabama Senator Doug Jones is seated Cory Doctorow
law Child molester Roy Moore said he wants to repeal all Constitutional amendments after the first ten, which would revive slavery and end votes for women and black people Cory Doctorow
elections Mass incarceration and disenfranchisement of brown people was the key to GOP control in Alabama, but thanks to criminal justice reform, black people can vote against child-molester Roy Moore Cory Doctorow
law After Roy Moore threatens to sue, the publisher puts him on notice to preserve all documents for their countersuit Cory Doctorow
News Roy Moore, GOP Senate nominee in Alabama, accused of sex acts with girls as young as 14 Xeni Jardin
bernie sanders Sanders-backed politicians are winning battle after battle in southern local elections Cory Doctorow
elections Voter suppression act two: closing driver's license offices in Alabama's Black Belt Cory Doctorow
Business Vindictive WalMart erroneously accuses couple of shoplifting, has husband deported, wife fired, costs them house and car Cory Doctorow