Business Tech CEOs — Facebook, Amazon, Alphabet/Google, Apple— to testify before House Judiciary antitrust panel Monday, July 27 Xeni Jardin
Technology YouTube bans 6 channels for hate speech, white supremacists Stefan Molyneux, David Duke, and Richard Spencer among them Xeni Jardin
surveillance Toronto business and government signal full support for Sidewalk Labs' dominance of the city and beyond Rosemary Frei
Audio Talking with the Left Field podcast about Sidewalk Labs's plan to build a surveilling "smart city" in Toronto Cory Doctorow
privacy Toronto approves Google's surveillance city, despite leaks revealing Orwellian plans Cory Doctorow
google Indigenous elder on Sidewalk Labs's Toronto consultation: "like being given blankets and gun powder and whisky to trade for our participation" Cory Doctorow
canada Critical essays (including mine) discuss Toronto's plan to let Google build a surveillance-based "smart city" along its waterfront Cory Doctorow
scholarship Training bias in AI "hate speech detector" means that tweets by Black people are far more likely to be censored Cory Doctorow
privacy Like Amazon, Google sends voice assistant recordings to contractors for transcription, including recordings made inadvertently Cory Doctorow
Business Insiders claim that Google's internet-fixing Jigsaw is a toxic vanity project for its founder, where women keep a secret post-crying touchup kit in the bathroom Cory Doctorow
privacy Canadian Civil Liberties Association sues Toronto, Ontario, and Canada over the plan for a Google Sidewalk Labs "smart city" in Toronto Cory Doctorow
corruption Sorting the spin from the facts: how big can the surveilling city that Sidewalk Labs plans for Toronto get? Rosemary Frei
google Google's secretive, data-hungry private city within Toronto will be much larger than previously disclosed Cory Doctorow