plastic surgery Woman spends $120K to reverse her $600K worth of plastic surgery to look like a Kardashian Devin Nealy
consumer rights Judge rules herbal tea purchase doesn't count as damages, personally attacks our entire lifestyle Ellsworth Toohey
alternative facts CNN's Scott Jennings defends Elon Musk's Nazi salute — until he's asked to "do it right now on TV" (video) Carla Sinclair
media Editorial cartoonist Ann Telnaes resigns from The Washington Post when her cartoon criticizing Bezos is killed Ruben Bolling
olympics The 1904 Olympics Marathon gold medalist won while hallucinating on rat poison and brandy Ellsworth Toohey
Business Casino shocked, SHOCKED that gambling addict lost $30M after they bombarded him with texts Ellsworth Toohey
not surprising Trump loses $1.3 billion in one day as his social media stock crashes: "Get the hell out" Carla Sinclair
politics Josh Gad, dressed as Trump, performing the Divinyls' hit, "I Touch Myself" perfectly captures Trump's extreme narcissism Jennifer Sandlin
elderly candidates "Exhausted" Donald Trump breaks down — cancels yet another event today Carla Sinclair