CIA CIA blows off senators who ask it to stop illegally spying on Americans without a warrant Mark Frauenfelder
books To Do in L.A.: 'God's Eye View' author Barry Eisler in conversation with Boing Boing's Xeni Jardin Xeni Jardin
class war How guards and prosecutors retaliate against solitary confinement prisoners who blow the whistle Cory Doctorow
civil liberties Time's infamous "cyberporn" scare story author looks back 20 years later Mark Frauenfelder
civil liberties ACLU makes app that sends phone video of police misconduct directly to ACLU servers Mark Frauenfelder
web theory Chinese Supreme Court makes service providers liable for "human flesh search engine" Cory Doctorow
civil liberties High school teacher faces discipline for Informing students about their rights Mark Frauenfelder