facebook UK ICO report on Cambridge Analytica finds no illegal activity or Russian involvement Thom Dunn
happy mutants 58" long CVS receipt scarf is only slightly shorter than actual CVS receipts Cory Doctorow
facial recognition I tried to access my secret consumer data. Their facial recognition software told me to smile. Thom Dunn
Science A machine learning system trained on scholarly journals could correct Wikipedia's gendered under-representation problem Cory Doctorow
videos Facebook insists that Cambridge Analytica didn't "breach" data, but "misused" it, and they're willing to sue anyone who says otherwise Cory Doctorow
language Train your AI with the world's largest data-set of sarcasm, courtesy of redditors' self-tagging Cory Doctorow
Business Uber uses data-mining to identify and block riders who may be cops, investigators or regulators Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Researchers discover hundreds of thousands of unsuspected, Star Wars-themed twitterbots hiding in plain sight Cory Doctorow
politics Trump only writes the angry tweets, the nice ones are written by a staffer with an Iphone Cory Doctorow
privacy Study shows detailed, compromising inferences can be readily made with metadata Cory Doctorow
Business Crimefighting for fun and profit: data-mining Medicare fraud and likely whistleblowers Cory Doctorow
corruption Revealed: the hidden web of big-business money backing Europe and America's pro-TTIP "think tanks" Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets Radio Shack bankruptcy update: most customer data will be destroyed, not sold to pay creditors Xeni Jardin