travel You think holiday air travel sucks? Try flying while disabled. On American Airlines. Sawyer Rosenstein
air travel United Airlines sorry they forced disabled man to crawl off plane to use bathroom Xeni Jardin
happy mutants The Mad Max game is every bit as brilliant on disability as Fury Road was Cory Doctorow
Disney Rich New Yorkers hire disabled "guides" to Disney World in order to skip lines (according to NY Post, anyway) Cory Doctorow
Kids This American Life's report on kids and disability claims riddled with factual errors Cory Doctorow
politics How's Your News, Election 2012: developmentally disabled reporters go to GOP and DNC Xeni Jardin
tsa Deaf man writes that TSA agent mocked him as "F*cking deafie," then stole his candy, ate it Xeni Jardin
human rights TSA agents harass 7-year-old girl with cerebral palsy and developmental disability Xeni Jardin
politics "I'm proud of you," deaf man signs to Obama in ASL. "Thank you," president signs back. Xeni Jardin
Action Inside Kabul: landmine survivor aid activist live-blogs from lockdown in Afghanistan Xeni Jardin