adorable doggos This Corgi named Archie does the best rendition of the "demure" trend! Jennifer Sandlin
Boing Boing Gadgets This Dell monitor can help reduce eye strain, now over 40% off! Boing Boing's Shop
documentaries Billy Preston's estate and friends are suing to halt the release of his new documentary Yoy Luadha
Boing Boing Shop This AI-powered webcam helps you always avoid bad lighting — and it's on sale now Boing Boing's Shop
fascist rhetoric Dictator Trump says CNN and NBC "should have their licenses taken away" (video) Carla Sinclair
research Manosphere grifters misuse evolutionary psychology to promote anti-feminist views Jennifer Sandlin
politics Piers Morgan confronts Marjorie Taylor Greene on her notorious lies by playing her videos and asking her to explain them Mark Frauenfelder
History Adidas CEO says Hitler-loving Kanye isn't really an antisemite — "It just came off that way." Mark Frauenfelder
ultimatums Mike Huckabee: if Trump doesn't win, 2024 will be last election "decided by ballots rather than bullets" Carla Sinclair
Entertainment The long-frozen Yeti at Disney World's Expedition Everest ride can be fixed, but it won't be Ruben Bolling
Republicans Marjorie Taylor Greene keeps playing her one-note song about the insurrection Jason Weisberger