Real things you can actually buy New Zealand distillery has been selling a lot of f*cking gin Rusty Blazenhoff
eastern equine encephalitis Deadly mosquito virus kills a man near Boston, causing parks and events to shut down Carla Sinclair
new zealand Mayor to sovereign citizen demanding private information about staff: "Go f✴ck yourself" Rob Beschizza
History Gerald Ford's surprising prediction from 1989: How America will get its first female president (video) Ellsworth Toohey
law Kanye West settles lawsuit with Donna Summer's estate after using sample without permission Rob Beschizza
careless ceos After dangerous gas pedal fiasco, Cybertruck gets 2 more recalls (thanks, Elon!) Carla Sinclair
google Google's AI-enhanced search suggests users add glue to their pizza and eat one small rock a day Natalie Dressed