Technology Hackers say they breached Russian contractor, got details on IoT hacking project for Russia spy agency Xeni Jardin
Business Google 'disabling Xiaomi integrations on our devices' after Nest Hub user picked up random pics from strangers' feeds Xeni Jardin
Audio Talking with the Left Field podcast about Sidewalk Labs's plan to build a surveilling "smart city" in Toronto Cory Doctorow
canada Critical essays (including mine) discuss Toronto's plan to let Google build a surveillance-based "smart city" along its waterfront Cory Doctorow
surveillance Cop says Amazon told him they had "partnered" with 200 US police forces to sell and tap into Ring surveillance doorbells Cory Doctorow
privacy Like Amazon, Google sends voice assistant recordings to contractors for transcription, including recordings made inadvertently Cory Doctorow
internet of things Unintentionally funny video instructions for factory resetting GE light bulbs Mark Frauenfelder
videos Arizona realtor surprised to find Canadian "white hat" hacker talking to him through his smart doorbell Cory Doctorow
Technology Bees wearing wireless sensors create a "living Internet of Things platform" David Pescovitz
Boing Boing Gadgets Machine learning may be most useful in tiny, embedded, offline processors Cory Doctorow