Weird #JOBSNOTMOBS is Trump's new campaign hate meme, promising full-on fascism if you'll 'VOTE REPUBLICAN NOW' Xeni Jardin
politics Most Americans are not confident election systems are secure from hacking: Pew Research Xeni Jardin
happy mutants Chicagoans can actually play "Machine Learning President," the election RPG Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Record numbers of people have downloaded and used the Democrats' mobile app for doorknocking canvassers Cory Doctorow
politics Find out who's manipulating you through Facebook political ads with ProPublica's free tool Xeni Jardin
politics FBI investigating cyber attack on CA Democratic congressional candidate's campaign Xeni Jardin
politics Top Trump officials says U.S. under information warfare attack now, Russia wants to 'weaken,' 'divide' ahead of midterms Xeni Jardin
politics Facebook security chief Alex Stamos quits, joins Stanford 'Information Warfare' group Xeni Jardin
elections A progressive Democrat is challenging the racist, authoritarian Steve King for his Iowa Congressional seat Cory Doctorow
politics FiveThirtyEight founder Nate Silver predicts who will be president but says not to trust his prediction Allan Rose Hill
Trump-endorsed losers Trump's beloved Mark "Black Nazi" Robinson loses top campaign staffers Carla Sinclair
politics "Make the RNC White Again:" leadership abandons vestige of minority outreach Jason Weisberger
Q-nuts at the helm Marjorie Taylor Greene brags about how she's changed — as in destroyed — the Republican Party (video) Carla Sinclair
Boing Boing Gadgets This ergonomic, 24-inch dual-screen monitor can completely transform your workspace Boing Boing's Shop
2024 Paul Ryan warns Republicans (again): "If we nominate Trump, we are going to lose" (video) Carla Sinclair
indoor smoking House Republicans now allow smoking inside Capitol, causing quite a stink Carla Sinclair