moral panics Laura Ingraham summarizes Democratic platform: "abortion, pot, porn, and more January 6 hearings" Mark Frauenfelder
fox news "They're gonna come after Bible characters next," says Fox News' Bill Hemmer Mark Frauenfelder
moral panics Man with "I Eat A**" bumper sticker charged with possession of obscene material Mark Frauenfelder
surveillance Effective July 15, British porn consumers will be required entrust their sexual tastes to private companies' badly secured databases Cory Doctorow
moral panics 1978 NBC news segment on the horrors of The Sex Pistols coming to America Mark Frauenfelder
Technology Today's scares over smartphones are largely indistinguishable from yesterday's technology-driven moral panics Cory Doctorow
Sex Alarmed by racy material in Cosmo, Utah state senator wants to revive state pornography czar Cory Doctorow
media theory UK press doesn't understand chemistry or Amazon, launches bomb-making panic Cory Doctorow
corruption Ugandan ethics chief boasts of his new magic South Korean pornography filter and its efficacy against "homos" Cory Doctorow
security Moral panic: Japanese girls risk fingerprint theft by making peace-signs in photographs Cory Doctorow