education After Katrina, neoliberals replaced New Orleans' schools with charters, which are now failing Cory Doctorow
books Rage Inside the Machine: an insightful, brilliant critique of AI's computer science, sociology, philosophy and economics Cory Doctorow
leaks #TelegramGate: leaks show Puerto Rico's appointed officials mocking the dead as hurricanes devastate the island Cory Doctorow
books Rage Inside the Machine: an insightful, brilliant critique of AI's computer science, sociology, philosophy and economics Cory Doctorow
corruption Nobel-winning economist Joe Stiglitz calls neoliberalism "a failed ideology" and sketches out a "progressive capitalism" to replace it Cory Doctorow
Business Business schools are shuttering full-time MBA programs, citing low enrollment, millennials Cory Doctorow
twitter Chase's idiotic poverty-shaming "inspirational" tweet, and Twitter users' magnificent responses thereto Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism LA school district prepares for strike with army of expensive scabs Cory Doctorow
religion LA's teachers are ready to strike on Tuesday, rejecting privatization of public education Cory Doctorow
climate Facing unpaid overtime, cuts and austerity, French cops threaten to join Gilets Jaunes protesters Cory Doctorow
late stage capitalism Yellow Vests stand for and against many contradictory things, but are united in opposition to oligarchy Cory Doctorow