lawsuits George Santos sues Jimmy Kimmel for copyright infringement over Cameo videos used on his show Rob Beschizza
politics On the Senate floor Ron Johson makes the bizarre claim that Capitol rioters were "fake Trump supporters" Mark Frauenfelder
uk UK ISP Association, spies, censorship organsation jointly condemn Mozilla for supporting secure DNS because it breaks UK internet censorship rules Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Panama Papers whistleblower issues statement, naming and shaming failed states and institutions Cory Doctorow
security David Cameron: TV crime dramas prove we need mass warrantless electronic surveillance Cory Doctorow
Business Virgin Airlines Australia moved firefighter from seat next to boys because men can't be seated next to unaccompanied children Cory Doctorow
law Tories divided over UK spying bill, Home Secretary dismisses critics as "conspiracy theorists" who want to protect freedom for "criminals, terrorists and paedophiles" Cory Doctorow
Journalists "suspend their disbelief whenever someone starts waving a paedophile on a string" Cory Doctorow