Science This is the planet that smashed into Earth and created the Moon, and pieces of it are buried deep below us David Pescovitz
planetary science This fascinating video shows how fast a ball drops on the sun, the moon, and planets Carla Sinclair
planets Listen to an audio recording of the frequencies produced by six alien planets 200 light years away Thom Dunn
astronomy Getting to know 2015 TG 387, aka "the Goblin," an unconfirmed dwarf planet lurking in the Ort cloud Gareth Branwyn
Science Excellent animation comparing the rotations of the planets in our solar system David Pescovitz
Science First near-Earth-size planet in "habitable zone" around sun-like star confirmed by NASA Xeni Jardin
NASA Fly over Pluto in animated New Horizons video. Here are the amazing images NASA released from Pluto Fly By today. Xeni Jardin