videos John Oliver on Brexit: the EU is the least-worst option, and racists support Leave Cory Doctorow
ice Mysterious six-foot ice spear falls from sky and pierces metal roof of Florida home Allan Rose Hill
takeovers Musk's DOGE boy reportedly screams at senior staffers trying to protect personal data: "Idiots!" Carla Sinclair
Technology Anonymous investor pours millions into undersea community — "to live in the ocean, forever" Ellsworth Toohey
new hampshire Man riding ski lift plunges to the ground — along with his chair: "Nightmare fuel" Carla Sinclair
good samaritans Arsonist starts new fire in LA — then gets tackled to the ground by neighbors until cops arrive (video) Carla Sinclair
While government officials spent 5 years planning, beavers built their dam for free in 48 hours Ellsworth Toohey
delightful creatures Doggo determined to steal treat from brother — even if eating it becomes impossible (video) Carla Sinclair