Business Shortly after her death, Harper Lee's heirs kill cheap paperback edition of To Kill a Mockingbird Cory Doctorow
politics Elizabeth Warren's new 1%: the percentage of fraudulent profits companies pay in fines Cory Doctorow
Business 3D Systems abandons its Cube printers, but DRM means you can't buy filament from anyone else Cory Doctorow
california Why didn't high-priced/pseudoscientific "behavioral profiling" work in San Bernardino? Cory Doctorow
Boing Boing Gadgets Philips pushes lightbulb firmware update that locks out third-party bulbs Cory Doctorow
class war Predatory lenders trick Google into serving ads to desperate, broke searchers Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Landmark patent case will determine whether you can ever truly own a device again Cory Doctorow
Business With Roca Labs smackdown, the FTC slams non-disparagement clauses for the first time Cory Doctorow
corruption FTC clobbers Roca Labs, the terrible weight-loss company that banned negative reviews Cory Doctorow
Business European court orders airlines to pay compensation for delays from mechanical failures Cory Doctorow