class war What it's like to be personally responsible for automating away someone's high-paid, high-skill job Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Prof says he'll grade students on a curve, so they organize a boycott of the exams and all get As Cory Doctorow
web theory How abusive bosses and Slack led software engineers to unionize and demand justice Cory Doctorow
solidarity A generation after American "libertarians" helped with mass disappearances, torture and murder of left-wing activists, Frente Amplio surge in Chilean elections Cory Doctorow
science fiction Women and African-American sf writers created trumpist dystopias because they were beta testing trumpism Cory Doctorow
happy mutants A heartwarming story about a comic clerk who helped a "baby gay" teen customer come out through Supergirl comics Cory Doctorow
military 2,100+ veterans pledge to build barracks to help Dakota Access Pipeline water defenders survive the winter Cory Doctorow