happy mutants Speech Police: vital, critical look at the drive to force Big Tech to control who may speak and what they may say Cory Doctorow
Business A deep dive into the internal politics, personalities and social significance of the Googler Uprising Cory Doctorow
Business New York's corporate welfare for Amazon enrages the Koch Brothers, Bernie Sanders, Tucker Carlson, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, etc… Cory Doctorow
Business Citing bad publicity and internal dissent, Google announces it won't renew contract to supply AI for US military drones Cory Doctorow
class war Top tech grads are increasingly unwilling to work for Big Tech, viewing it as a new, unethical Wall Street Cory Doctorow
psychology Eminent psychologists condemn "emotion detection" systems as being grounded in junk science Cory Doctorow