china An owner of the Golden State Warriors claims "no one cares about the Uyghur Muslims" Devin Nealy
china Leaked documents document China's plan for mass arrests and concentration-camp internment of Uyghurs and other ethnic minorities in Xinjiang Cory Doctorow
china Massive leak of Chinese government documents reveal the "no mercy" plan for Muslims in Xinjiang Cory Doctorow
News China has 500+ Uighur camps and prisons and is holding far more than one million, activists say Xeni Jardin
censorship Tiktok has become a vital tool for monitoring abuses against Xinjiang Uyghurs, but that's threatened by the company's new censorship rules Cory Doctorow
twitter Authenticating a video showing hundreds of kneeling people in shackles and blindfolds on a Chinese railroad platform Cory Doctorow
china Alex Stamos schools Apple after they whine about Google revealing a whack of Ios zero-days Cory Doctorow
china Chinese authorities are secretly installing their anti-Uyghur surveillance app on the phones of tourists to Xinjiang province Cory Doctorow
china Human Rights Watch reverse-engineered the app that the Chinese state uses to spy on people in Xinjiang Cory Doctorow
politics New pick for high-level State Department job: "Competent white men must be in charge if you want things to work." Ellsworth Toohey
china China is paying U.S. social media influencers to promote Beijing Winter Olympics and "good China-US relations" Mark Frauenfelder
corruption Hunter Biden's Ukraine gig was corrupt, just not in the way Republican conspiracists claim it was Cory Doctorow
china United Nations: China is running forced re-education camps for Muslims and ethnic minorities Séamus Bellamy
privacy China will collect the DNA of every adult in Xinjiang province, where Uyghur people are systematically oppressed Cory Doctorow
privacy China forces Xinjiang Uyghurs to install mobile spyware, enforces with stop-and-frisk Cory Doctorow