The Lady and The Trampoline Washing machine on trampoline video improved with "When Harry Met Sally" deli scene Mark Frauenfelder
travel safety Trump fires "hundreds" of FAA workers — hours before yet another deadly plane crash Carla Sinclair
jobs Jasmine Crockett zings Elon Musk with heartfelt 'apology' to MAGA: 'You were 1000 percent correct' on immigrants Carla Sinclair
censorship New Kennedy Center leadership censors award-winning musical about a sparkle-loving shark Thom Dunn
politics Pardoned electrician who assaulted cops on J6 wants unkind reviewers to just "move on" already Ellsworth Toohey
takeovers Musk's DOGE boy reportedly screams at senior staffers trying to protect personal data: "Idiots!" Carla Sinclair