law Tiny, poor, diabetes-wracked Pacific island nations want to ban junk food, despite risk of WTO retaliation Cory Doctorow
corruption WTO rules against US dolphin-safe tuna labels because they're unfair to Mexican fisheries Cory Doctorow
takeovers Musk's "top lieutenant" living in federal agency office with wife and kid, says worker (video) Carla Sinclair
the unfree press Watch: Jim Acosta won't 'bow down' to 'tyrant' Trump — so he quits CNN instead (video) Carla Sinclair
politics China bans exports of crucial tech minerals gallium, germanium, and antimony to U.S. Ellsworth Toohey
gallows humor From Xanadu to Magadu: Randy Rainbow sings what could become illegal after next week (video) Carla Sinclair