Previously: Man dies, then his mom, then both get eaten by cats
Previously: Man dies, then his mom, then both get eaten by cats
My new favorite thing to look for at online markeplaces is photos of people trying to sell their mirrors. Many people find hilariously awkward ways to hide their own reflection… READ THE REST
Today, my friend sent me a photo of this unique contraption that they saw on the side of the road. The contraption looks like part of a tractor, combined with… READ THE REST
When a human decided to break open a delicious looking, chocolate filled pastry, their cat decided that would be the perfect time to cause some shenanigans. The cat unapologetically puts… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Get lifetime ad-free browsing and online protection with AdGuard Family Plan for just $19.97 (reg. $169). Your online world is under attack. Intrusive ads, sneaky trackers, and malware-ridden pop-ups are lurking in… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Save 92% on a Microsoft Project Pro 2024 lifetime license for Windows while codes last. Last time we ran this deal, they sold out within the day. Feeling overwhelmed at work? You… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Get a 1-year BJ's Club Card membership for just $20 (reg. $60) and enjoy massive discounts on groceries, gas, and more. We all know grocery shopping is expensive, and filling… READ THE REST