Enjoy the edible lo-fi sounds of "Jarabe Tapatío," aka "The Mexican Hat Dance." Over at Instructables, learn how to make your own tortilla record!
From UpgradeTech's project page:
A while ago there was a satirical video featuring a tortilla jammed on top of a record player spindle.
In a way, it mocks the emerging trend and resurgence of vinyl and Record Store Day's tendency to release limited-run, colored records which are often resold for a much higher price by scalpers.
The video went viral and I wanted to see if I could actually make a tortilla record work without merely piping in some music in the background.
I was already familiar with cutting records on acrylic with a laser cutter for use in mechanical gramophones at 78 rpm…
"Make a Working Playable Tortilla Record with a Laser Cutter"