Recent headlines from satirical articles published at Reductress:
"I Believe God Gave Us All Free Will — Except Pregnant Woman"
"Senator Says the Only Acceptable Way to Kill a Fetus Is With a Gun"
"Life Is Sacred, That's Why This Nonviable Fetus Should Stay Inside Me So We Can Both Die"
"Life Begins the Second a Girl's Uncle Decides on Incest"
Vice interviewed Reductress co-founders and editors Sarah Pappalardo and Beth Newell about their approach to covering extreme anti-abortion legislation:
What does humor add to this conversation that straight news reporting can't?
Pappalardo: Satire allows us to zero in on the hypocrisies built into the pro-life movement and the political strategies they've employed. It's a way to shed light on less-talked-about subjects […] and hopefully make people feel a little less alone right now. And they aren't: Pro-choice people are in the overwhelming majority right now. Nothing that happened or will happen in the Supreme Court was achieved democratically.
Newell: We're able to push the logic of these bills further, which helps to highlight their absurdity. I think we all get a little too used to certain talking points, even when we disagree with them. This is a nice affirmation to ourselves of how incredibly flawed they are.
Image: Twitter