Epic space exploration game No Man's Sky gets another massive free update

I reviewed No Man's Sky three years ago, after the stylish space-exploration game received big patches adding depth, detail and story to the poorly-received original release. But its creators didn't stop there, and today's No Man's Sky: Origins (officially v3.0 of the game) marks yet another massive free upgrade. From stellar disappointment to space game of the decade in a few giant leaps—and it seems there are still plenty of warp cells in the storage cubes.

New Planets: Existing solar systems have birthed new planets, creating millions of untouched new worlds to explore.

Binary and Ternary Stars: Some rare systems are now home to multiple stars, creating stunning new patterns in the sky.

Dramatic Landscapes: These new worlds have vast, sweeping terrain. Their mountains and vistas are on a colossal new scale, giving shape to more dramatic, awe-inspiring scenery than ever before.

User Interface Refresh: Interface and menus have been totally overhauled with new colours and styles, for a fresh new aesthetic.

Richer Diversity: New life has been breathed into every planet in the universe. A huge range of never-before seen planetary flora and curiosities have been poured into the galaxy. Countless strange new combinations are out there, awaiting discovery…

There's biomes, weather (not just annoying storms), no more atmospheric level-of-detail glitches, an overhauled photo mode, and a ton of other stuff in the patch notes. Can't wait to check it out.