Tucker Carlson told a church crowd that he hasn't been vaccinated against Covid-19

Fish stick scion Tucker Swanson Carlson, who once publicly stated, "I lie if I'm really cornered or something," told an Awaken church crowd in San Marcos, CA that he hasn't received the Covid-19 vaccination.

From Voice of San Diego:

Carlson, who grew up in La Jolla, heaped praise on Awaken for choosing to stay open during the pandemic, citing the need for fellowship and community, and saying Christian leaders who "chose the path of cowardice and abandonment of their own flocks" had committed a "grotesque sin." The crowd at Awaken erupted in applause when he scoffed at the idea of getting a second booster shot, and insinuated he hadn't been vaccinated at all.   

"I skipped the first three, I'm not getting that one either," Carlson said.  

Awaken church has hosted other luminaries such as Candace Owens, Charlie Kirk, Michael Flynn, Roger Stone, and Eric Trump.