In an attempt to market to everyone, marijuana cultivators are rolling the clocks back on some strains of highly potent weed. Old people will no longer have to talk about how great it was when weed barely got you high! Strains matching the lower amounts of THC present in the good old days are again on the market.
Perhaps there will be a run on the "dirt weed" that was so available here in early 90s L.A., brown stuff that tasted awful, smelled terrible, and was very cheap. We can play Quake and talk about how the internet will change the world.
Decades of careful cannabis breeding by pot farmers have blasted the potency of America's weed into outer space. In 1995, America's cannabis had an average strength of 4% THC, the active compound used to measure pot potency. The pot sold in California's pot shops today often boasts potency over 40% THC, a 900% increase in THC potency.
High potency pot dominates the legal weed industry and it's become almost impossible to find the low-THC weed that was common 30 years ago. Only 1% of flower products sold in California this year contained less than 14% THC, according to data shared with SFGATE from Flowhub, a cannabis analytics firm. And the vast majority of pot sold this year, more than 80%, tested at over 21% THC.
There are now a handful of brands trying to target smokers, like Feaster's dad, who are looking for lower-THC alternatives. Pot companies Garden Society and Pure Beauty both sell handsomely designed pre-rolls that test around 5% to 10% THC. There's a hemp brand called Dad Weed, which sells pre-rolled joints that are federally legal because they are completely THC-free. And there are even low-dose edible mints courtesy of Kiva that have just 2.5 milligrams of THC, a much smaller dose than the 10- to 100-milligram edibles common on retail shelves.