A 12-year-old girl ate her father's stash of cannabis gummies, thinking they were just candy. Within an hour, she felt strange. She opened the apartment door and fell down the stairs. Her mother found her on the stairs and tried to talk to her, but the girl was incoherent. She took the girl to the hospital and fortunately, she made a full recovery.
The father sounds like an idiot. He was a cannabis edible aficionado, and would get so wasted on gummies that he once fell down the same stairs his daughter did. After that happened, his wife banned weed gummies from the house. But the father bought a bunch of weed gummies and added them to a bag of regular gummies, and put them in the kitchen cupboard to fool her. Shortly after that, his daughter ate them.
It's a big mistake to make weed edibles that look like cookies and candy. They should look like medicine or something unappetizing to deter people from accidentally eating them.
Thumbnail image: Wollertz/Shutterstock.com