Caracal. Photo: Jessie Cohen, Smithsonian's National Zoo (public domain)
If you need to use an image for your art, product, project, or any other reason, check out the Smithsonian's vast collection of Open Access images available under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. I searched "cat," and it returned over 7,000 images, and every one I looked at was terrific.
Head of a Cat. Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Mrs. Armistead Peter IIISand Cat. Clyde Nishimura, FONZ Photo Club
Honorable Mr. Cat. Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Hyde Gillette in memory of Mabel Hyde Gillette and Edwin Fraser GilletteCat from a Ball Toss Game. Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of Herbert Waide Hemphill, Jr. and museum purchase made possible by Ralph Cross JohnsonCat and kitten. Gift of Anonymous DonorCat in Eakins's Yard. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, Gift of Joseph H. Hirshhorn, 1966Wild Cat and Turtle. Smithsonian American Art Museum, Gift of J. Willis Johnson
This stereoscopic image was captured c.1870 during a meteorological expedition at New Hampshire's Mount Washington. The image was long forgotten until 2002 when it showed up on eBay and ultimately… READ THE REST
As part of the late genius David Lynch's 2007 art exhibition The Air Is On Fire—including drawings, paintings and films—he exhibited a series of photographic portraits he shot in Boise,… READ THE REST
When Esther Schindler inherited five huge boxes of 10,000 family slides after her father's death, she embarked on a year-long project to save the family's visual history. As she scanned… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Want your paycheck to stretch farther while grocery shopping? Find better value by joining Sam's Club with this 1-year membership that comes with Auto-Renew, now just $20 (reg. $50). You've seen… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Save 50% on the NanoPhone through February 23, the ultra-tiny smartphone that'll make you think twice about your current phone. Has reducing your nightly doomscroll binges been on your 2025 resolution… READ THE REST
TL;DR: This $250 refurbished 13.3" MacBook Air gives you all the Apple style with none of the Apple tax. Whether you prefer Apple's software or just like the feel of their products,… READ THE REST