Boris Johnson, the former Prime Minister of the U.K., intentionally lied to parliament when asked about illegal parties held in Downing Street and elsewhere during the national pandemic lockdown in 2020. The conclusion, released publicly today in an official government report, contradicts Johnson's claim that he did not knowingly mislead members of parliament.
A report by MPs says ex-Prime Minister Boris Johnson deliberately misled the Commons over lockdown parties at No 10. The committee says it would have recommended suspending Johnson from the House for 90 days if he had not quit as an MP. It says he also "complicit in the campaign of abuse and attempted intimidation of the committee"Covid-19 Bereaved Families for Justice UK accused Johnson of breaking his own rules "so he could have a party". Leshie Chandrapala, who lost her father in the pandemic, told the BBC the bereaved are owed "a huge apology".Labour deputy leader Angela Rayner said Johnson "never accepts responsibility for what he does"
Johnson, who was already deposed as Prime Minister by his own party and replaced first with Liz Truss and then by Rishi Sunak, also quit as a member of parliament last week after being told of the report's findings. Johnson claimed then that they're all out to get him, which becomes funnier now that they've got him.
"Damning language," reports the BBC in its description of the report's treatment of Johnson. "Punishingly brutal."