Developers paying through the nose for Twitter API access complain that it doesn't even work

Access to Twitter's API, the feed of posts and other data used by third-party apps, costs a lot of money now that the site's under new ownership. Worse for those paying it, it doesn't work very well. Matt Binder reports grousing from devs having to constantly figure out what works and what doesn't without much help from the company.

Many developers have shared both publicly online and in private emails and group chats viewed by Mashable that the Twitter API will mistakenly suspend their apps or remove apps from projects within the API platform. Some have experienced this on a near-weekly basis since April, when the paid API subscription tiers first launched. Developers have also experienced issues such as their plans' rate limits suddenly being changed as well as endpoints breaking, which cuts off communication from their third-party app to the Twitter platform. 

Even worse, major issues with Twitter's API appear to be changes that are intentionally made with zero regard for the developers paying them specifically for those API features. Developers have complained that Twitter doesn't even notify them of these changes and they often don't find out until their app breaks.

As with the new Reddit, the inflated fees for accessing the API are not really about passing real world costs onto developers who have been effectively subsidized in the past. It's the DJ turning on all the lights and playing a certain song at maximum volume.