Even GOP strategist Ed Rollins, who co-chaired the Ready for Ron PAC (until he didn't), thinks Ron DeSantis is "not a natural candidate." In fact, Rollins has given up on Florida's bumbler-in-chief.
"I just don't think he's the guy who's going to beat Trump," he said yesterday on CNN, adding that snowflake DeSantis can't take constructive criticism. "He's not a people person … and he makes dumb moves." (See video below, posted by Acyn.)
For instance, "Controlling the budget is a very important part of the campaign … You don't lay off a third of your staff a week before you're going to announce in Iowa," said Rollins, who ran the winning Reagan-Bush campaign in 1984. "The job you're running for is about management."
And management — if Florida's sky-high inflation rate (highest in the country) is any indicator — is not one of DeSantis' strong suits.
Rollins' comments come a day after the soured political consultant called DeSantis a "very flawed candidate," to which the thick-headed Florida man simply brushed off as "obviously nonsense." Meanwhile, Trump's landslide 37-point lead over DeSantis in a recent New York Times/Siena poll "obviously" says it all.
Front page thumbnail image: Leonard Zhukovsky / shutterstock.com