If you're wondering where Florida's at now, it's at "racial performance reviews for children." The principal and a teacher at Bunnell Elementary School in Flagler County, Florida, are on leave after telling an assembly of the school's Black fourth and fifth-grade students to improve their collective results.
During the assembly, a 2023-2024 school year Goals and Objectives PowerPoint presentation was used that read in part, "AA have underperform (sic) on standardized assessment for the last past 3 years," Flagler County School Board chair Cheryl Massaro told CNN in an email.
"AA is African American, and that is one subgroup the FDOE requires annual reporting on from all Florida schools. The power point, created by one of the presenters shows the data results," Massaro said in the email.
Flagler Schools interim superintendent LaShakia Moore said in a news conference Thursday, "This should not have happened, but it did," and offered an apology to the students and their families.
Here's some local coverage from Flager Live. The principal, Donelle Evensen, has been in the job only a few weeks (though was assistant principal for years beforehand) and also reportedly singled-out and "threatened" high-performing Black students [Daily Mail via archive.is] during the segregated assembly.