Man mad at noisy neighbors caught on camera allegedly squirting hazardous chemicals under their door (video)

Tampa, Florida police arrested Xuming Li, 36, after he was caught on video (below) apparently squirting hazardous chemicals under his neighbors' door. The motive? Well, victim Umar Abdullah says since his daughter was born a year ago, Li had been making noise complaints to the landlord. According to Abdullah, he and his family had been smelling an odd odor in their apartment for weeks and then began to experience headaches, nausea, shortness of breath, and even started losing their hair. So he installed a camera behind a plant near his door and Li was seen doing the deed.

From CBS News:

"If you look at him he's holding his breath. So, he knows the hazardous nature of this chemical." said Abdullah

According to an arrest affidavit, the hazmat team found methadone and hydrocodone when they tested the liquid.

Abdullah called the Tampa police who sent out the hazmat team to investigate.

Li was arrested in June on six charges including aggravated stalking and dispersing a chemical agent.

Li has pleaded not guilty.