Donald Trump's apparent cognitive decline was in full force yesterday when he mixed up the Bushes, referring to Jeb Bush as a former president. (See video below, posted by Meidas Touch.)
"When I came here, everyone thought Bush was going to win," the addled election denier reminisced about former candidate Jeb Bush during a campaign stop in South Carolina. "They thought Bush, because Bush supposedly was a military person. Great. You know what? He was a mili-, he got us into the, uh, he got us into the Middle East. How did that work out, right?" No, wrong again.
Hate to break it to you, Trump, but Jeb Bush is not a former president. He did not get us into the Iraq War. He was not at all a "military person." You did not win the 2020 election. You are not a stable genius. And you are not mentally fit to be president.
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