Kevin McCarthy's ouster looks like he could soon be ousted himself once voters have their say in 2024, according to a new Florida Atlantic University poll that shows Florida's Matt Gaetz to be incredibly unpopular even in his own state.
Only 21% of those surveyed between October 27th to November 11th approved of the Florida man, while 56.9% disapproved. (See breakdown of numbers below in post by Aron Goldman, reposted by Ron Filipkowski.) And even when you remove Democrats from the equation, the chaos-maker still gets a two-thumbs down. From Mediaite:
The survey of 946 adults has a margin of error of 3.2% and was conducted between October 27 and November 11. Even more disappointingly for Gaetz, he performs poorly with Republicans as well as Democrats and independents. Nearly as many members of his own party disapprove of Gaetz (36.3%) as approve (36.6%) of him, while independents disapprove by a margin of 53.8$-21.1%.
The numbers rolled in about a month and a half after the firebrand joined with Democrats and 7 other Republicans to eject Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and plunge the House of Representatives into chaos for several weeks.
And to think that Gaetz and his Republican colleagues seriously thought the Florida lawmaker, whose sexual misconduct investigation has been revived, would be an ideal candidate for governor. It's funny how politicians who get lost in MAGAland can't ever see the forest through the trees.