We recently shared a video of George Santos creating the prank Cameo requests sent by Jimmy Kimmel. If you want to see more of Santos' Cameos, but don't want to waste your money buying them, a TikTok channel called "Georgies Cameos" has posted dozens of them (and counting) for you to peruse. Santos has been wildly popular on Cameo, as Semafor reports that in his first 48 hours on the platform, he made more than his salary as a member of Congress—a whopping $174,000!
Vox provides more information about Santos' new gig:
Since his expulsion from Congress, Santos has found a home on Cameo, a service that allows regular people to pay more famous people, usually of the reality television or character actor variety, to record video messages for their personal use. For a small fee, you could ask Santos to tell your mom that you love her or "roast" one of your friends. Santos initially charged $75 but, after serious demand, upped his price to $400, according to Cameo (Real Housewife of New York City Ramona Singer charges $125 per video).