Commissioners in Clark County, Nevada, have banned taking photos from pedestrian bridges on the Las Vegas Strip, with $1,000 fines and up to six months in jail for offenders. The ordinance prohibits "stopping, standing or engaging in an activity that causes another person to stop" on the bridges and includes up to 20 feet surrounding connected stairs, elevators and escalators. It took effect Tuesday.
The draconian measure is said to "increase public safety by ensuring a continuous flow of pedestrian traffic" but could effect the removal of street performers, protestors, and anyone else doing anything unauthorized in public, such as taking photos from high vantage points in the thick of things. As ABC News quotes Athar Haseebullah, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Nevada: "That might mean the right to protest. That might mean someone who's sharing expressions of their faith. That might mean a street performer."
There will be signs, the commission announced, placed around the Las Vegas Strip to indicate where you may not stop. The exact locations haven't been announced but I found this picture online which is maybe about right.

Previously: Las Vegas Sphere lost nearly $100m in first three months