A naked man stole a car, which has been found, but the man has disappeared.
A Venice, California, resident and her friend were surprised to find a mysterious naked man in her home. Upon discovery the reputedly overweight, and underdressed intruder took the woman's car and left. The resident called the Los Angeles Police, who did show up. Shortly after that, the vehicle was found a few blocks away, but the naked man was nowhere to be seen. I am sure they dusted it for "prints."
Around 4:20 p.m. Sunday, officers responded to 1086 Marco Pl after receiving a call from a woman and her friend about a break in, according to the LAPD.
When the two women returned home, they found the suspect, a nude and heavyset man who was lying down inside the house, according to the department.
The suspect then went to the victim's vehicle and took off in an unknown direction, according to the LAPD.
It was not clear when or how the suspect took the keys to the vehicle, according to the LAPD.
Officers arrived and began their investigation, finding the victim's vehicle abandoned near Lincoln Boulevard and Suerbra Avenue, according to police.
Westside Current
I am surprised LAPD allowed the story to get out, I can see this inspiring a rash of copycat crimes.