Bible salesman Donald Trump kindly included a warning about the stimulating book he's peddling: wear gloves before opening.
Okay, well, he didn't actually mention the gloves, but Trump's online bible FAQ did bizarrely ask, as pointed out by Stephen Colbert, "What if my bible has sticky pages?"
"This is a frequently asked question?" Colbert asked. "Evidently, the workers at the bible factory really get excited over the word 'begat.'"
"It's just like any other good book," Colbert assured us. "Except in the middle of this one, there's a centerfold."
Of course Colbert was just joking about Trump's literary merch being "good," as he then informs us that the bible he is selling is actually a few years old and has racked up 79% one-star reviews. Maybe the thoughtful FAQ disclaimer will help solve this sticky situation. (See video below, starting at :59.)