The developer who mistakenly built a house in the wrong place claims to be the real victim

"This house is just there, like a cloud following me around, and it keeps raining on me," says Anne Reynolds of the home she did not permit to be built on her Big Island of Hawaii property.

Anne Reynold was surprised to find, in 2022, that a home had been built and was being sold on a formerly empty lot she purchased in 2018. The lot aligned with Reynold's zodiac stuff, and she was led by her love of nature and "the sanctity of the land" to legally become its owner of note through a county tax auction. The pandemic influenced her intention to build a retreat there, presumably one that would honor the sanctity of the land that PJ's Construction, under the contract of developer Keaau Development Partnership, mistakenly violated.

Reynolds, a relationship coach and energy healer from Concord, California, was persuaded to buy the land in Hawaiian Paradise Peak by her daughter, who lives in Hawaii. As a big believer in numerology and astrology, Reynolds said the spot was the perfect match for her plans.

"I believe in the sacredness and the sanctity of the land," Reynolds said. "The coordinates aligned with my zodiac sign. And you could hear the ocean." 

The pandemic stalled Reynolds' plan to build the retreat on the plot she had bought at a county tax auction for about $22,500. During this period, she says she received letters in the mail from a developer offering to buy the land, which she ignored. 

SF Gate

Keaau and PJs claim they just somehow built it in the wrong place, one lot they seemingly do not own surrounded by lots they do. While seen as equal to them, their offer to trade an adjacent lot apparently does not meet relationship coach and energy healer Reynold's aforementioned zodiac criteria, or, for whatever reason, she just doesn't want to swap. The land is hers. Keaau Development Partnership is suing for unjust enrichment, even though all that Reynold asks is for them to remove the house from her property.

"It feels like a big injustice," Reynolds said. "They make a mistake, and they're suing me for their mistake."

The developers' lawyer, however, said that Reynolds appears to be taking advantage of the mistake. "This is not bullying," Olson said. "Keaau Development Partnership is the the only entity that has suffered hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth of losses. She's trying to exploit the situation to get money from my client and the other parties."

"The property has increased in value over hundreds of thousands of dollars without having her pay a penny for it," he added.

Keaau Development is also suing almost everyone involved in the mistake, including the construction crew, the architect, the county and even the previous owner of the land Reynolds bought. The developer alleges that after paying PJ's Construction about $300,000 to build the home, the owner of the company "materially breached the contract by constructing a house on the wrong lot," and failed to "conduct his due diligence in locating lot 115."

SF Gate

Previously: Terrible Real Estate Agent Photographs, Real estate agent fined $20,000 for secretly chugging milk from carton in homeowner`s fridge (video)