Blue milk launched just in time for Star Wars Day

In a galaxy not at all far away, you can now enjoy a milk as blue as the mythical beverage famously sipped in the Star Wars saga. Unlike the bantha-derived variety found in the films, this terrestrial version comes from ordinary dairy cows. TruMoo's new offering is a 1% low-fat, vanilla-flavored blue milk, released early in celebration of May the Fourth—aka Star Wars Day. This limited edition milk is available in half-gallon sizes. For those interested, be sure to check if it's at your local grocery store before it disappears. [via Nerdist]

"The flavor is pleasant but not overwhelming. There's no aftertaste or cloying sweetness involved. In fact, the vanilla and the sweet quality of the drink fade in and out so that one gets notes of them while drinking, but the sweetness doesn't build unpleasantly. Blue Milk is very drinkable, and no doubt Star Wars fans of all ages will get a kick out of it. (As you can see, even dark-side dwellers love a glass of Blue Milk)."
