Teenage Engineering's OP-XY is a powerful miniature synth, similar to its classic OP-1 but with a different emphasis. It's winter, right? Layers!
be careful what you wish for—we know you've had wet fantasies about a no-compromise, dual-cpu boosted and fully rebuilt sequencer, sampler, and performance instrument, based on the much-loved workflow of the OP–Z. now including built-in cv, effect sends, and a best-in-class dac. with 8 individualinstrument tracks and 8 auxiliary tracks for controlling any external synthesizer, modular or otherwise, and adding effects. we dare to say it's probably the mostcomplete, portable sequencer ever built. it's here. it's real. it's black. and it's got so much more than you've wished for.
The $2,300 price tag is steep, though only $300 north of what an OP-1 costs now anyway. May as well throw in another $300 for the leather sheath! Contrary to online jibber-jabber, though, T.E. gadgets aren't toys and the people who buy them tend to use them in an extremely thorough "use the one right tool" way that speaks for itself. That the age of personal technology democratization is coming to an end (to whatever extent it really existed), may be in those numbers—but it's not as if there were never things that were both ostentatious luxuries and useful tools.
• OP-1 Portable Synthesizer by Teenage Engineering
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