Watch Illinois deputy save frantic driver in runaway car from plunging into a lake (video)

An Illinois woman driving at 2:00 a.m. Monday night frantically called 911 when she realized that her brakes weren't working. To make matters worse, she was driving downhill.

"I'm 20-weeks pregnant, I cannot die today," the panicked driver told the dispatcher, perhaps aware that the road she was on was about to become a dead-end, with a freezing-cold lake on the other side.

After the 911 operator advised the woman to put her car into neutral, which only slightly slowed her car down, a deputy who happened to be nearby made a quick, perhaps life-saving decision. He got ahead of her, and then tapped his own brakes, forcing her car to crash into his — and thus finally come to a stop. This is a cop who deserves a medal — and a new car. (See video below, posted by the New York Post.)

Via NBC News

Previously: Watch incredible rescue of pilot from plane wreckage that, moments later, is smashed by train