This series of photos shows costumed mascots in Japan trying to fit through small openings. I think these mascots need a special train and entrance where they have more breathing room. Luckily, it looks like many of them are receiving help from people around them.
Although their big puffy costumes are far wider than many of the places they're trying to enter, they seem to be facing the challenge with a lot of determination. I feel a bit claustrophobic just looking at these. I also want to hug all of them because of how adorable they look.
Although I imagine it must be frustrating trying to squeeze through elevator doors, train ticket entryways, and narrow passages in a bug fluffy costume, the characters in these photos look undeniably cute. Without the kindness of others, this would be a stressful situation to be in. Photo number 2 is my favorite, where a mascot is simply standing, frozen, between the gates where you slide your train card. Standing still, helplessly, would be my reaction too.