Screaming goats will never not delight me, and this screaming goat content that I recently stumbled upon is providing me with some very much needed humor this very dark week.
A TikTok user named "Le Danielle" has been posting hilarious videos of the touchless electronic paper towel dispensers at her workplace. She recently discovered that someone in her office has affixed photos of goats to the front of the two dispensers in the communal restroom. And while at first this might seem bizarre, it actually makes great sense, because when the machines begin whirring and spitting out paper towels, they sound exactly like screaming goats. The louder, more insistent goat machine is called "Angry Al" and the kinder, gentler goat machine is "Snoop Goat." And they are both perfectly and hysterically funny.
Once you see and hear these videos, you'll never look at those paper towel dispensers the same again!
(And I apologize for linking to TikTok, I couldn't find these videos on Instagram!)
Previously: Goats that fit in the palm of your hand make the cutest noises